How the BEC community can help you...
Whatever you, or someone you care about is struggling with, whether it’s education, social anxiety, challenges around spectrum disorders, or simply not knowing where to start to move your life forward, our assessment and support programmes can help.
Take the first step to reach your full potential
How we do this.....
Click on each of the bullet points to read more…
Following the initial assessment, we can develop a support programme of various exercises using neuroplasticity to develop neural pathways. It is this concept that is the basis of all our support and explains how and why this system works.
1. Assessment: Our test will identify the student’s learning abilities. Tests are appropriate for ages eleven to adult.
2. Diagnosis: An analysis is generated based on the student’s test scores. It profiles the following areas: cognition, evaluation, memory, creativity, and problem-solving.
3. Treatment: Personalised training materials in the form of paper-pencil and/or computer are available based on the student’s test results. Low abilities are targeted at the beginning of the program. Average to high abilities are further strengthened.
The aim is to develop the soft skills of young people who are neurodiverse, to encourage them to gain independence and secure meaningful employment whilst fulfilling their aspirations.
Mary Meeker was a school psychologist working with students in Oregon, USA, and she realised that if as adults, we require specific skills to perform at different jobs, then it would also apply to learning – that students would require specific skills to perform different learning tasks. Beyond the tests, Mary also designed modules that would provide solutions to the identified weaknesses
In what ways is someone smarter or in what areas smarter?
Does it mean that the person with a 100 IQ is less capable of learning as compared to someone with an IQ of 120?
The IQ score was and still is a very narrow way of perceiving and understanding our brain and intelligence which is definitely way more complex to be summarised into a 2-digit or 3-digit number
Using our system we can understand why 1 student can read well but cannot comprehend fully, while the other displays higher level of understanding but needs to be read to. Or why some students can grasp maths concepts quickly, but makes a ton of careless mistakes when solving the questions? We move towards understanding the ‘whys’ behind a person’s under performance, and work on providing the solution to improve the learning situation at hand.
The assessments provide us with an opportunity to identify strengths and ares that may need development. This can be compared against a database of over 120 careers to identify the most suitable career or the requirements needed to be successful in a chosen career.
Backed by decades of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy research, and powered by natural language processing, our programme is reliable and always available. It is there at odd hours of the night, inviting conversation about the topics that matter most to those experiencing challenges with anxiety and depression. Our engaging AI quickly develops a deep bond with people, so they can trust the process and focus on their feelings.
All our provision is centred around one to one mentoring and coaching which has proved to be the main factor in our success in progressing our participants into paid employment, identifying further educational needs or finding engaging and meaningful volunteering opportunities managing to get 83% into employment or further education.
Our network of over 4000 professionally qualified medical personnel are available to take referrals on a private basis. You could get a diagnosis in a matter of weeks compared to waiting possibly as long as 4 years through the traditional referral routes.
"Optimising your capabilities"
This is achieved by using a unique combination of two separate but complementary approaches…
- Assessing your capabilities using a system delivered to over 1.2 million worldwide developed as the result of decades of research into the way we think
- Tracking and monitoring using cutting-edge technology based on cognitive behavioural therapy & already used by over 250000 in Holland & Germany
After 3 years of searching, we are implementing this new approach to improve on our already successful delivery which has moved 83% into employment or further education with an 86% satisfaction rating.
This provides a stepping stone to independence for those who may need additional support. This is done through 1-to-1 mentoring, coaching and support using technology to make this an affordable solution.
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